Technology Management Procedure

Technology Procurement
For a more detailed explanation refer to the SKC Master Procedure Manual.
SKC IT Services Department will purchase all technology equipment and software for the campus. Technology equipment is defined in the technology equipment list section below.
In order to make the best use of available technology, SKC’s personnel may have at most one desktop computer and one laptop computer although most people will have only one computer assigned. They will have at most one iPad or other tablet for personal use (see Master Procedures Manual for exceptions). The college only purchases cellular telephones for specific individuals; however, the college provides a stipend out of department budgets for personnel that need to use their personal phone for college business. The college provides every employee who has an office space with a campus telephone.
Technology Management and Refresh
SKC ITS works toward a three to five-year equipment refresh cycle. Most computers will be no older than five years. IT Services may refurbish older computers as new computers are purchased and older ones turned in.
Technology or computing equipment that is purchased using grant funds shall be utilized and maintained in accordance with the standards set forth in the SKC grant policies and procedures manual.