Education Technology

IT Services provides devices and software across campus with the intent to enhance the communication between students and teachers. From projectors and sound to our learning management SKC IT services continues to research new opportunities and maintain current technologies. If you have questions about our educational softward please contact Brandon Peterson our Ed Tech Specialist. | 275-4835

SKC uses the Schoology Learning Management System for online and hybrid courses. Use the URL to reach Schoology. Various resources can be easily uploaded and shared with others. Course setup is simple and you can do things such as create tests and quizzes that can be graded automatically. Schoology also has an integrated mobile app available for Apple and Android devices. Accounts are automatically generated from Jenzabar so please do not create your account. Your Schoology account is integrated with SKC's Google domain so you will use your SKC email to sign in. Contact Brandon Peterson; IT Services Social Media Specialist for help with Schoology.
Promethean Board
Promethean Boards (Smart boards) are in classrooms to assist with the learning experience. You are able to connect your computer to them via a VGA cable. You can also interact with the Promethean Boards via a USB cable. Through promethean board, you are able to write and interact with it.

Lifesize is a video conferencing device that is used to connect classrooms together who are learning at distance. Though audio and video the at distance students can interact just as if they were in the actual class.

Video Conferencing Software
Video conferencing software does the same thing that lifesize does except there is no physical hardware that comes with it. This can be installed on a college computer. Some examples are Adobe connect, Zoom, Gotomeeting, Skype, etc

Theatre Projector
The theater is available to use for practicing or giving presentations. Please schedule the theater with Maria bell prior to use. Contact Brandon Peterson for help in turning on on the projector, Sound, and theater special lighting.

Sound Systems
SKC has a number of sound systems available for use in presentations across campus. There a portable units as well as units in 3 Wolves and the Robert DePoe III Buildings that are available. Contact Brandon Peterson for Sound System Support.